Path of the Sandpiper


Suzanne Herman

Written by

Steve Sheppard

I listened to this new and quite beautiful single by Suzanne Herman for the first time, whilst gazing at the amazing art work for the single, bird life for me and the subject of birds has always been a big part of my life, and I can say with truth that this composition utterly portrays the mood found on the cover art.

Path Of The Sandpiper, a wonderful creature found usually on the banks or shores of tidal regions of many countries across the world is a sight that is sublimely mesmeric, and this performance by Herman is both fluent, stunningly graceful, charming, and a blissfully perfect rendition and reflection of the grace of this fine bird; her presentation is light and artistic too, and as such this new single should find a lot of favour with fans and listeners the world over, a chart hit could also be on the cards for the artist given the incredibly descriptive performance contained within.

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